Wednesday 3 February 2010

Structure of Newspapers

The structure of local newspapers, such as my local newspaper - The Isle of Wight County Press, vary in many ways as opposed to many national newspapers - due to the revenue of the newspapers themselves. For example, you can see that there are adverts in all four corners and at the bottom of The Isle of Wight County Press - this is due to the fact that local newspapers rely on the majority of their income from advertising, rather than a national newspaper such as The Sun, who rely on huge numbers of buyers, which is why national newspapers tend to be priced lower than local newspapers.

However, this is not the case for all newspapers as leading newspapers such as The Guardian and The Telegraph are more expensive than local newspapers. This is because the news they are delivering is more relevant to the masses whereas a local newspaper will be delivering news that is more pertinent to the community or county. The difference in price is also due to the specific news of the newspaper. Articles in The Guardian will be more hard-hitting and important, therefore the newspaper companies will be paying reporters and journalists to research and discover the news.