Monday 8 February 2010

Newspaper Header Design

Here are some designs for my Newspaper Header that I created using Adobe Illustrator.

The first design, I have dismissed due to the typeface being over-used in newspapers and in my opinion it is out-dated.

The second design uses a typeface named Georgia. I have repeated the use of this typeface throughout the following designs due to its sophisticated yet modern feel. This second design is in my opinion a better design than the first, however is too simple.

This third design is a more compact concept and I feel it works well. My only quarry is the word 'The' which seems out of place and disrupts the design.

As you can see on the forth design is similar to the third, however I have editted the letter O to represent a monocle. I made this change to add an aspect of design to the header, rather than basic text and I feel that it works well, however the placement of the word 'The' is still off.

The fifth design is one most likely to be used for my newspaper. I like this design over the majority of the others as it is simple yet fairly modern. As you can see I have aligned the text 'The Isle of Wight' to the right so that the left is less 'messy'.

The last design is similar to the above design, however features the monocle design also. Designs five and six are the ones I will be choosing my final from.