-How did digital technology influence your work in post-production?
Digital technology has had a large influence and impact in the post-production stage of my newspaper production. In fact, after the ideas had been created and the processes determined, the majority of the production was digital technology. For example, the use of the programs Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign CS5 were used in collaboration to create my newspaper. I used Adobe Photoshop to edit my photos - altering the colours, changing the hue and saturation, applying various blending options, cropping, and more. Adobe Illustrator allowed me to create the masthead for my newspaper. I created the type using the typeface Georgia and then using the Pen Tool to add the ‘tail’ and the ‘eye’ of the monocle. Adobe InDesign played the biggest part in the production process of my newspaper as it was the program responsible for putting together and the arrangement of my newspaper. I imported my photos and images from Photoshop and Illustrator into InDesign and used rules, guides, and alignment grids to ensure that the images and text of my newspaper had been aligned and places properly, as would be apparent in a professional newspaper.

I chose to use the Adobe Creative Suite CS5 to produce my newspaper as it is a highly advanced set of programs (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator) used by professionals. I had experience previous with these programs being a graphic designer, I regularly use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator with my work. I was not as experienced with the use of InDesign, however I had used it to create my magazine in my AS Media coursework. My skills with InDesign have increased noticeably, I now have a much greater understanding of the program and it has prepared me for further use of the software.
To create my radio adverts, I also used the program GarageBand, an application that allows users to create music or podcasts. It is produced by Apple and is an advanced piece of software for creating music. I created my radio advert by using the Apple loops that came with the program, and organising various ones over another to produce the desired effect. I then proceeded to record my voice using the microphone built into my MacBook.